


去过伊朗旅游或吃过伊朗菜的朋友们会发现一个问题:伊朗菜重在调味品例如有洋葱、大蒜、胡椒粉、番红花、鹰嘴豆等,崔心心 这是为什么呢?今天就这个问题,我们在伊朗传统食品中找到答案吧。其实,不止伊朗人做菜爱放洋葱,在中国回族传统习俗中也有,例如管洋葱叫“皮牙子”是波斯语的音译。

Undoubtedly宝船网 , the Iranian-style cooking and Persian cuisine is one of the attractions for those who visit Iran.
The renowned Iranian translator and researcher Najaf Daryabandari has explained about the characteristics of Iranian-style cooking in his book titled “From Garlic to Onion” - an idiom literally meaning “everything” in Persian language. Here are excerpts from the book:
许多人认为伊朗烹饪和波斯美食是吸引人们的之一七濑遥 。
著名Najaf Daryabandari在他的著作中《From Garlic to Onion》解释了伊朗菜肴的烹饪特点横山菁儿 ,有兴趣的朋友们可以买一本书了解。

Iranian cooking similar to Persian carpet weaving!
Unlike other nations郑志雯 , there is no difference in methods and recipes of Iranian foods which are cooked in different households across the country. The only difference is in the quality of materials which are used in cooking.
Daryabandari resembles Iranian cooking to Persian carpet, which is mostly woven by ordinary and low-income people, although the exquisite carpets decorate houses of the upper class.
The difference between professional cooking and domestic cooking is in quantity of food, not in the methods of cooking and of course more professional appliances are used in professional cooking with the same recipe.

Local products matters!
Due to its diverse climate and fertile lands永远的马里奥 , Iran benefits from different kinds of food products. Vegetables and food products with pleasant and strong tastes are preferred in Iranian cooking. Condiments like pepper is used for materials with mild taste.
In the Iranian culture, wheat, rice and barley are the main staple foods. They are known as God’s blessing and are respectful all over the country.
Beef, chicken meat, lamb and mutton, dairy, fish and egg also used economically in Iranian cooking. They are used in different kinds of stews, Abgoosht or Dizi, and kebabs.
伊朗食材有牛肉、鸡肉、羊肉骆驼肉、乳制品、鱼、鸡蛋等。能做出不同的炖菜等。最常见是烤肉卡巴巴(kebab)和类似羊肉泡馍Dizi等叮叮摩卡 。

Slow cooking with low-temperature is the key!
In ancient time双面劳伦斯 , people in Iran use fuel wood, charcoal张绍刚被打, agricultural waste and animal dung, to meet their energy needs for cooking. The fire, which was made with these fuels, were mild and steady for several hours.
在古代,伊朗的人们使用燃料是木炭、农业废物和动物粪便上虞市中医院 ,以满足他们的烹饪能量需求。 用这些燃料制成的火是温和稳定的达几个小时等食物成熟。
This is one of the characteristics, which made Persian cuisine different from others. Low-temperature and slow cooking makes Iranian foods tastier and this is one of the important hints for Iranian cooking.
这是波斯美食与其他美食不同的特点之一: 低温和慢煮烹饪使伊朗食品更加美味,这是伊朗烹饪的重要特点之一边界1999 。

Rice and stew associated with each other!
The modern lifestyle today makes cooking different from the past time, when women did not work and were at home. They dedicate one full day to cook meals for their family members. However there are dishes like Nimroo (fried egg), Eshkeneh (onion soup) and Khagineh (omelets), which can be ready in some minutes.
Serving rice with stew is one of the main characteristic of Persian cooking. In most of the time, they served with each other. There are some recipes for rice, which is mixed with grains or vegetables or stews served with bread, but it is not mostly the case.
抓饭(用米饭、肉、蔬菜、水果做成的饭,和中国抓饭一样)是波斯菜的主要特色之一何欢 步微澜 。
This is an economical way to reduce using meat and chicken meat and to diversify Iranian foods served during meals.

Cooking in Iranian style is not hard!
Actually, each Persian cuisine is a pattern, which has been established through centuries. And the materials which are used in them can be changed due to taste and time.
每一样的波斯美食都有悠久历史,而且使用的食材根据味道和时间而不同耳濡目染造句 。
Cooking in Iranian style is not hard. The principles and pattern are identified. The main pattern is rice and stew, which let the cook, which is mostly housewives, to do other household while the dishes are becoming ready.
伊朗烹饪简单。 主要有:抓饭饭和炖煮。一般厨师或家庭主妇都可胜任。
The Persian cuisine has mild and moderate taste and no spice or taste privilege in Iranian cooking. The main taste of the foods gain through slow cooking with low-temperature.
波斯美食在伊朗烹饪中具有温和适中的味道,没有特殊难闻香料。 食物的主要味道是通过低温烹饪缓慢获得。重在营养价值等。



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