


会议策划统筹贴士专栏上线啦倾倾百老汇 !
我的上篇博客发布之后,收到了很多老师给予的反馈与意见,这些博客的撰写与发布得到很多同仁的帮助与支持硕丰481 ,也希望这些实际的信息与案例能够提升课堂教学,对同学们今后在酒店旅游行业实习就业有益,那是我最大的欣慰。
在一个会务工作团队中,可能去到现场考察的只有1-2名成员,一份有效的现场考察评估总结能够帮助其他团队成员更加充分地了解各个场所的情况。在此附上一份万礼豪程项目组一直使用的报告样本,这样任何一名团队成员去到现场,都能根据样本的格式记录最有效的信息,以保持每次评估的一致性 。

作为一份有效的报告,仅仅列出事实、数字与会晤的情况是不够的,更重要的是作为组织方穿越杂事儿 ,需要进行策略性的分析,要评价每个场所的优势与劣势,最终的目标是要做出判断,确定会务场所。
★STR 市场分析:可以获得一份STR最新的数据分析报告,观察不同城市市场的房价指标,我极力推荐使用这份报告,对于行情一目了然!


★地点多样化:如果是策划年会,不妨考虑每年在不同城市举行妙探寻凶 ,增加新鲜感,提高嘉宾的参与性。万礼豪程前三届的年会举办地点分别为:天津、宁波、上海。

通常在我谈判价格之前夜袭机场 ,先来说说性价比。
哪方面的成本是最大的考虑因素变身武娘 ?是客房或者是餐饮冷箭演员表 ?


Conference Planning Tips Are Now ON!
Part V of the Series: Venue Selection & Contract Negotiation
When my last blog was published, I received great comments and feedback from many teachers. I was really encouraged and inspired when told that the information is helpful for students to read and gain real-world knowledge. I am grateful to my team members who helped enhance my blog and create a practical resource to use in classrooms as teachers prepare students for careers in hospitality.
As mentioned previously, the conference venue site inspection is a critical step, not only to obtain accurate information on potential venues, but also to experience the venue first-hand to better compare and contrast. In this blog, you’ll see how the site inspection becomes a critical tool that will help immensely as you make decisions and select the venue that best meets your conference objectives.
Once the site inspections are complete, the next steps include composing site inspection reports, listing the pros and cons of each venue, determining ROI and ROO, and contract negotiations. These are all very critical steps.
Step 1: Compose Site Inspection Reports
The site inspection report is a summary of your findings to help your superiors and other team members thoroughly understand what each potential venue offers. As a best practice—and for consistency—I use a template for each venue’s site report.

The following are a few examples of what a site report might include:
Key Facts Related to the Venue: Province, city and location within a city; guest room, restaurant and meeting room capacities; accessibility to public transportation; and information about local activities and neighborhoods.
Arrival Experience: Welcome and greetings, check-in experience, all details for the stay well taken care of.
Customer Service: Your perceptions of the services provided by all departments during the entire stay at the venue.
Highlights of Meeting with Management Team: What ideas did the managers have to help you plan an innovative event? Were they well prepared for your visit with information about the venue? What did you notice that was excellent? What concerns, if any, did you have about the venue?
Cost Impact: List side-by-side the itemized costs for each venue. Compare and explain any variances.
Step 2: List Pros and Cons
Once you have completed your site inspections and the corresponding reports, it is important to list—and strategically assess—the pros and cons of each venue as they pertain to your event.
To accomplish this, I find it helpful to keep in mind the following:
★Selecting the City. There may be a cost impact of traveling to one city versus the other. Some cities, such as first-tier cities刘满世 , have many flights and fast trains operating daily at lower rates. Second- or third-tier cities may have higher travel costs, but lower venue costs. It’s important to find the perfect balance that meets your strategic objectives.
★STR Market Analysis. Gain access to an up-to-date STR Market Analysis Report, which provides a great summary of accommodation rates in different cities. I’ve found it to be an excellent reference tool!

★Event Congestion. Are there any other major events in town on your dates? You can baidu the city and date to find out. With other events in town at the same time, you may experience higher costs.
★Food and Beverage Requirements. At any event, but especially a large one, ensuring success with food and beverage is critical. It is always helpful when the venue team shows photos from past events. I look at the set-up and themes and then brainstorm with the team about different menu options. I believe in a modern conference, attendees are interested in learning about food presentation, theme design, decor, etc. For example, at the CHEI Teaching Conference, our teachers experience food and beverage innovation that provides vivid examples they can share with students.
★What Makes the Venue Special?What are the unique or special aspects about each venue's facilities and customer service?
★Location Variety.Consider holding annual events in different cities to generate new excitement and interest for the guests.
★International Guests.If your event involves international guests, consider the availability of flights to/from different cities.
These are just a fewideas of things to consider when listing venue pros and cons. I find it fairly easy to jot them down as I go. Now comes the key component—price!
Step 3: ROI and ROO
Before I address contract negotiations, I would like to talk about the important consideration ofcost versus value.
In pure economic terms, ROI (Return on Investment)means profit in relation to capital invested.For example, as a conference organizer, the ROI may come in the form of gaining new clients from those who attended the event or generating new revenue from attendees following the event.
But CHEI is a charitable initiative, so how do we measure ROI?We focus instead on ROO (Return on Objectives)令胡冲, which are driven by our stakeholders. For example, one objective we consider when selecting a hosting hotel for the CHEI Teaching Conference is that it “provides an excellent learning laboratory for our teachers.”With this in mind, during the site inspections we put ourselves in our teachers’ shoes to get a sense of the level of exposure to real-work operations and event management they will have at each venue.
Step 4: Contract Negotiation
Negotiating contracts is not everyone’s favorite part of event planning. However, this process is critical to ensure you stay within your proposed budget and create the best possible experience for attendees. Once you have quotations from the venues, gather any historical data from previous events and log all of the details into an Excel spreadsheet.
At this point, you may already prefer one or two venues over the others. Now is the time to examine the cost variances, such as accommodations, meeting room rentals, meeting packages, dinner packages, beverages and any additional fixed costs. It’s important to review the entire event experience from beginning to end. While it’s difficult to place a monetary value on some areas, such as customer service, you should at least make an attempt.
Before you pick up the phone or send an email to your venue contact for price negotiation, please answer the following questions:
?In comparing venues, are there some areas that are not comparably priced across the quotations where you may ask for a discount? Which areas?
?Are there cost areas where you might ask for a sponsorship or barter?
?Can any menus be adjusted without negatively impacting the guest experience?
?Could guests share rooms to reduce the total room cost? What is the maximum occupancy per room? Are there any rollaway beds?
?Is the guaranteed number of guests accurate?
?Which cost area is of greatest concern?
My advice, regardless of whether you make a call or email, is to be sincere and realistic. Share the specific reasons why you are highly considering the venue and ask if there is an opportunity to discuss a price reduction to better meet your budget.
It is important to understand that negotiations are a business function and personal relationships, while important赵薇遭起诉 , must not negatively influence this process.
However,保尔柯察金的名言 don't envision contract negotiations as only focused on price. It can involve other contract terms as well, such as rooms categories, meeting room relocations, food & beverage requirements, etc.
Through my blog series, I’ve shared many examples of how I tackle the conference planning process when selecting the annual CHEI Teaching Conference venue. With that in mind, and on behalf of the entire CHEI team, I am delighted to announce that the2017 CHEI Annual Teaching Conferencewill be hosted at theShenzhen Marriott Hotel NanshanonJuly 11-14, 2017. It will be the first time for our conference to be held in the south area of China and we hope our teachers will be excited with our choice!
Stay tuned for my next blog in this series of Conference Planning Tips –Pre-conference activities. Make sure you follow my blog so you won't miss any opportunity to get to know more about the 2017 Annual CHEI Teaching Conference!

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